sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Propiedades Net: What a Great Site!

It is not very often that I stumble upon a great website, but Propiedades Net (stands for propiedades or bienes raices in spanish) is one of the best properties listings I have seen in a while.

As you may know, I live in Costa Rica, & getting a local properties listing is one of the best things that could have happened to me.  Not only is it very complete, with a lot of information, they are actually changing the design, and it seems they are making it more of a blog rather than an static site.

I guess it is time for Latin Countries to catch up with Web 2.0 stuff, and by judging from Propiedades Net, it seems like they are...

Anyway, I just wanted to give a quick shout out to anyone that might be living in a Latin Country, or has been thinking of moving, or something. Propiedades Net seems like a very reliable site, they got a great name, and some very high value content that pretty much anyone will absolutely enjoy.

How it works is that you basically get access to their database for free, and you can do querries for different pieces of properties (propiedades or inmobiliaria in spanish) and get the answers. I have personally found some great pieces of real state in here, and have gone to see them and the pictures and descriptions are actually relevant and reliable (not easy in this kind of industry).

So, here is the link, in case you are interested:



Rick R

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